The Plus One Chronicles
A wicked proposition…
A sensual possession…
A dark obsession...
The Plus One Chronicles: Searing passion and fiery
vengeance collide in three explosive books.
Plus One Chronicles, Book 1
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Thayne has been in survival mode for six years, hiding behind the sweet
creations for her bakery. But when a random carjacking brings her face-to-face
with her darkest fears and hottest fantasy, Kat is forced out of hiding and
offered a dangerously passionate proposition. One she knows she isn’t strong
enough to refuse.

Plus One Chronicles, Book 2
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Savagely sexy billionaire Sloane Michaels ruthlessly controls his life and everything in it. Even his sex partners are carefully negotiated plus-one arrangements, including his latest, the fiery bakery owner, Kat Thayne. But Sloane’s control is challenged when his mentor becomes seriously ill, and his need for Kat, his need to possess her at all costs, rivals only his single-minded goal of vengeance for the murder of his sister.
After surviving an attack six years ago, Kat Thayne escaped her fears in the protective world of her beloved bakery. Then Sloane Michaels storms into her life, making her feel beautiful, strong and sexy. Yet as Kat pushes her boundaries and uncovers a dangerous secret in her past, Sloane’s controlling side emerges. Worried that Sloane will possess her mind, body and soul, Kat fights to keep her hard won independence. But just as Sloane demands her complete surrender, she discovers he has a dark side that could destroy them both.
**Possession is an adult contemporary novel and is not intended for younger readers due to mature content.**

Plus One Chronicles, Book 3
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Tell us 5 things that make you happy
1. My husband and kids
2. Friends.
3. Bailey Dog (my son’s dog whom I
4. The passionate response from readers
about The Plus One Chronicles because in some ways, this trilogy is very personal
to me. I wrote it because I had to.
5. Chocolate
What makes your perfect man, perfect?
What do you look for in a hero?
A truly strong man who supports
the dreams and goals of the woman he loves without being threatened. That is
extremely sexy to me. (My husband is
very supportive of my work!)
And I love dark, tortured heroes
with a soft spot for the woman they love.
What qualities make up your least
favourite heroine?
Hmm, this is a good question. Weak and whining gets on my nerves. So does cruel.
Do you have any quirks? When writing,
or otherwise?
My biggest writing quirk is that I write a lot of scenes that I end up deleting. I hate it, but it’s just the way I work. It’s part of my process of getting to know the character. Then later I cut them to tighten the book. Or sometimes I end up using parts of the scenes in other places in the book. My process is quirky and complicated.
Do you have any hobbies that you take
part in when you aren’t writing?
What do you like to read?
Lately I haven’t had enough time
it read! I love romance with strong passionate characters. I like mystery and
suspense too.
If you had to pick one of your
characters to survive a zombie apocalypse with, who would it be and why?
I’d pick Kieran DeMicca from SINFUL
MAGIC (one of my Wing Slayer Hunter Novels) Key is a witch hunter and he has an
ancient dragon inside him. They’d fight back that zombie apocalypse!
Tell us a bit about how the idea for
your book came about.
I’ve had bits and pieces of the idea for years, but the catalyst for writing this story was my son’s injury. It was during his long recovery that Kat and Sloane came to me and said, “Now’s the time. Tell our story.” It sounds so dramatic, but it’s true. In some ways, my son’s bravery as he faced a difficult injury and the loss of a career he’d worked so hard for inspired me to go for it. I knew this story had to be hold with brutal honesty and that takes courage (for me anyway). And I was going to have to dig deep in some painful places to do it.
Soon, I was so compelled to write
these three books, I almost had no choice but to just go for it.
Which of the seven deadly sins are
you most partial to? Which do you indulge in the most? Hmm, well there’s lust when I read about hot heroes and gluttony with my chocolate and coffee habit!
Who is the person who most inspired
you? Either in your life, or writing?
There are many, but I’m going to
say my husband. He has always believed
in me. That kind of rock solid support is priceless.
But I have a slew of friends that
have been, and continue to be, so amazingly wonderful. They are always there to celebrate,
commiserate and kick ass.
Do you have a favourite quote?
Years ago when I was struggling to get that first publishing contract and piling up rejections (a LOT of rejections!), I was telling a friend that I just didn’t know if I was ever going to make it as an author. She gave me some wise advice that helped me stay on the path to getting that first contract and surviving in the turbulent world of publishing, and more recently self-publishing:
“No one is going to believe in you until you believe in yourself. Start believing in yourself.”
I love that quote. I’m really not great
at believing in myself, but I’m working
on it!
Can you tell us a little about your
latest project?
I’ve just released OBSESSION the third
and final book in The Plus One Chronicles.
The first book THE PROPOSITION is more the heroine, Kat’s, story. The
second one, POSSESSION shows us the hero, Sloane’s story. I love those two
books. But OBSESSION is the sizzling and
emotional culmination that I love so much because these two have earned their
happy ending on a road of real pain and tough choices. They chose to love.
While writing this book, I really struggled with a scene I had to write involving another of my favourite characters. I knew right from the start how the story would end and I thought I was prepared. I wasn’t. I procrastinated and avoided writing the scenes. Then I changed my mind and told my husband I was going to skip it.
And this is why I love my husband—he
told me I’d cheat my readers if I did. “Be
brave and write it, you know it’s the truth of your book.”
And then he called me a chicken and
made me laugh.But he was right. I wrote the scene and so far, feedback has been really good. I would have regretted it if I’d chickened out.
If you like erotic, emotional and at times, funny love stories, I hope you’ll give The Plus One Chronicles a try. They need to be read in order, so start with THE PROPOSITION. You can find out more about the books on The Plus One Chronicles page here on my website
Last but not least, if you could be anyone else in the world, who would it be, and why?
Does the book world count? Because I’d choose Eve Dallas for
J.D. Robb’s “In Death” Series—she’s the whole package; passionate and kick ass
AND she has Roarke!
Thank you 7 Deadly Sins for having me here
today! It’s been fun!
Thank you, Jennifer, for talking to me and letting us get to know you!
Author Bio
Lyon grew up under the shadow of the Matterhorn at Disneyland in Anaheim,
California. She attended Walt Disney elementary school and her very first
playmate was her beloved dog, Duke, who was cast in the role of hero in all
their adventures.
Jen was born to daydream. But it took her years to figure out how to turn her
imagination into a career as an author. After marrying and becoming a full time
mom to three sons, Jen launched her career with the award winning Samantha Shaw
Mystery Series and other romantic mysteries under the name Jennifer Apodaca.
Later, she took the name Jennifer Lyon, combined her love of witches, alpha
males and sizzling romance into another award winning series, the Wing Slayer
under Jennifer Apodaca
she will be releasing the first book in her Once A Marine series,
titled THE BABY BARGAIN which will be out in March 2013 from Entangled Publishing in
their Indulgence line.
more information on Jen or her books, please visit her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
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