Today I have Shalini Boland with me, and she's gonna take over this post for a short while. Enjoy!
So where’s your fave place to read? One of the above, or
somewhere totally different?

The Perimeter by Shalini Boland
(Outside #3)
Publication date: November 18th 2013
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult
The Best Places to Read a Book
On the sofa
Yes, on the sofa is a nice place to read. It’s comfy. You
can have a cup of tea next to you on the coffee table (not on the arm – you
might knock it off accidentally) and maybe a couple of biscuits to dunk. BUT, the
sitting room isn’t always a haven of calm. A husband could walk through at any
time searching for lost car keys. A child may wander in, tap you on the
shoulder and request that you provide him with more food. There are always way too
many distractions.
In the bath
Good call. If the door has a lock, you know you’ll be
totally undisturbed. HOWEVER, there’s only a finite time you can spend in there
before your skin goes wrinkly and the water begins to turn from volcano hot to
lukewarm. Plus, there’s the added danger that your book could fall in, or,
heaven forbid, your ereader. Can you get electrocuted from an ereader in the
bath? I don’t think so, but you wouldn’t want to test that theory.
On holiday
Possibly a favourite choice. Sunshine, sun loungers, hours
of time to relax, no work distractions, Holidays are the perfect time to catch
up with those stacks of novels you’ve been dying to read, but haven’t had the
chance to, due to the fact you’ve been searching for lost keys, feeding kids
and recovering from electrical injuries you sustained in the bath. Yes,
holidays seem to be the perfect place to read, UNLESS you’re like me and only
take one holiday every millennium.
Public Transport
Hmmm, I guess if you commute, this could be a good option.
As long as you don’t live in Britain ,
where you can never get a seat on the train/bus due to massive over-crowding, unless
you re-mortgage your house to travel first class, in which case you get
virtually a whole carriage to yourself and a four poster bed, champagne,
truffles and your own butler. I’m exaggerating. BUT what happens if you get to
a really good bit of the book and you reach your stop? Do you get up,
mid-scene, destroying the atmosphere of the story, or do you ignore your stop, travel
to the end of the line, to Where-the heck-am-I-ville, and get a taxi home? This
type of scenario has actually happened in real life.
In bed
This gets my vote. The kids have been fed and are sound asleep.
The husband’s car keys are on the hook downstairs. You’ve had a nice soaky
bubble bath without mishap. The holiday to Costa del Gorgeous is booked. So now
you can get into your pjs, snuggle under the duvet and turn to page one. Bliss.

The Perimeter by Shalini Boland
(Outside #3)
Publication date: November 18th 2013
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult
The Perimeter, blurb:
In this fractured world, a sinister force is coming for Riley, and the only things keeping her safe are a perimeter fence and the people she loves. As her life is threatened, she must make impossible choices. But help comes from the most unlikely of places, and all Riley needs to know is: who can she really trust?
Meanwhile, a repentant killer searches for peace and salvation, but what he gets is the exact opposite. Now he’ll have to make the hardest decision of his life.
The Perimeter is a darkly captivating dystopian tale of adventure, danger, love and redemption that will have you on the edge of your seat and up at night turning the pages to find out what happens next . . .
Outside Series blurb:
Set in the near future, these three heart-stopping novels follow Riley as she overcomes the murder of her younger sister by tracking down the killer across a post-apocalyptic Britain. At the same time, she is forced to take on the might of a twisted regime intent on conquering the nation. The series is packed with action, suspense, drama and dystopian adventure.
Shalini lives in Dorset, England with her husband and two noisy boys. Before children, she was signed to Universal Music as a singer songwriter. Now, writing novels has hijacked her life and she is usually to be found with a laptop welded to her fingers and the house in a permanent state of neglect.
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